
Hasn’t that been a long time? I’m just so lazy nowadays I barely use PC (laptop) anymore. And why would I? Almost everything I need I can do on my phone. Any updates in my boring life I post on VK using the said phone. For games there are consoles. PC games? I barely played them to begin with, and I already played nearly all games I wanted to play to my heart’s content. Mainly Borderlands 2 of which I currently have 577 hours of play time. But I guess I’ll post a brief update post to bring no one who reads this blog up to date. So, let’s open my VK feed and I start ‘splaining.


Year 2014: Conclusion

Celestia and Luna: New Year

So, today is December 31st, 2014. It’s time to summarize everything I’ve done during the year of horse. Thankfully, I kept most of the important events in this blog. Coding First (according to this blog, because I have terrible memory), I started sharing my code. The first script I shared was to “rip” music from Google Music Android app. Mostly I shared my SlackBuilds. Later this year I set up a git repo, and near the end of the year I finally made a GitHub account.



It turned out, that I need a full featured website much less than a simple blog. I don’t want to have a blog on Tumblr, but I do like their implementation of it, so I went with Chyrp, which is pretty close. But then Chyrp died, so I moved to Hugo. The blog is NSFW, as I might occasionally post some pr0n and other disturbing stuff.
