My copy of Pony Plot Book has arrived!
There’s no new art in it, but it’s a printed version, which is cool. This is my first printed porn.
You can find more about the Pony Plot Book at
fsLeg's blog Some random posts will go here.
There’s no new art in it, but it’s a printed version, which is cool. This is my first printed porn.
You can find more about the Pony Plot Book at
"The Daring Do Adventure Collection" by A. K. Yearling
Should’ve posted it here two days ago, but whatever. I already wrote two posts in other places.
I ordered it back in February, in October it was released, and this Thursday I finally got it! It took a bit of an effort in order to get it from the courier service, though. Oh, things I sometimes do for ponies…
"The Journal of the Two Sisters. The Official Chronicles of Princesses Celestia and Luna" by Amy Keating Rogers
I had completely forgotten about it by the time my credit card was charged for it. It took a little effort to get it after it was shipped, but here it is now, finally!
A lunchbox I ordered a couple of weeks ago finally arrived! Maybe now I’ll start having lunches and stop coming home extremely hungry.
A while ago I posted about a commission made by DZAladan. Now it acqired a real-life body! Sort of… Anyway, now I can snuggle with a changeling. Yay!
It turned out, that I need a full featured website much less than a simple blog. I don’t want to have a blog on Tumblr, but I do like their implementation of it, so I went with Chyrp, which is pretty close. But then Chyrp died, so I moved to Hugo. The blog is NSFW, as I might occasionally post some pr0n and other disturbing stuff.