Rainbow Dash on a meathook

What's inside Rainbow Dash by Nix

I kinda like Dashabuse. I don’t know why. It’s in the same vein a number of people were into Scootabuse at some point (or maybe still are, but I haven’t seen that tag on Derpibooru in a long time). But I like Scootaloo and don’t like Rainbow Dash as much, also Cupcakes, so I wanted to see Rainbow Dash on a meathook with torn wings and disemboweled but still alive. Torn wings idea came not from Cupcakes (surprising, I know; but Pinkie was using a hacksaw to remove 1.5 of Rainbow’s wings) but rather from SWAG.MOV by hotdiggedydemon. And as a sort of a joke I commissioned Nix to draw all of that to test the limits of what she would draw. To my surprise, she agreed. It took some time, but here is the result.

RD is tough, she can take it.


It turned out, that I need a full featured website much less than a simple blog. I don’t want to have a blog on Tumblr, but I do like their implementation of it, so I went with Chyrp, which is pretty close. But then Chyrp died, so I moved to Hugo. The blog is NSFW, as I might occasionally post some pr0n and other disturbing stuff.
