TODAY... =====I FINALLY received a package.
Why “finally”? Well, while most of times it was rather easy, this time I discovered how much burocratic as fuck Italy is.
fsLeg's blog Some random posts will go here.
TODAY... =====I FINALLY received a package.
Why “finally”? Well, while most of times it was rather easy, this time I discovered how much burocratic as fuck Italy is.
Two days ago… -------------I should have made this post two days ago, but I had not time due to many things and projects (one of them is a little thing I’m trying to do with the “Avian Six” you may have see before).
Now that I watched the Season 4 Finale, I’m catching a little breath and tell you a little thing happened two days ago.
You may say “Who fucking cares?!”. I say “Shut the fuck up, I enjoy sharing nice things with people”.
So, what happened?
Kind of a birthday gift from Nix for me.
Also, after a few years of forgetting, Buizeru finally remembered about today and he’s very proud of it. It looks like the image ZiPo added to the top right corner of the site almost a year ago did its job.
But I don’t usually celebrate my birthday, so it’s OK if I’m not congratulated, sometimes I don’t even want to be.
Although it costed me three times more because of a shipping cost… But that’s not a way to start a story. Several days ago I saw this post and I thought: “Oh, snap! I didn’t even know! And it’s already past his birthday… I want to give him something too.” Luckily he had a link to his Amazon wishlist on his blog, so my task of picking him a present was greatly simplified.
It turned out, that I need a full featured website much less than a simple blog. I don’t want to have a blog on Tumblr, but I do like their implementation of it, so I went with Chyrp, which is pretty close. But then Chyrp died, so I moved to Hugo. The blog is NSFW, as I might occasionally post some pr0n and other disturbing stuff.