Rainbow Dash on a meathook

What's inside Rainbow Dash by Nix

I kinda like Dashabuse. I don’t know why. It’s in the same vein a number of people were into Scootabuse at some point (or maybe still are, but I haven’t seen that tag on Derpibooru in a long time). But I like Scootaloo and don’t like Rainbow Dash as much, also Cupcakes, so I wanted to see Rainbow Dash on a meathook with torn wings and disemboweled but still alive. Torn wings idea came not from Cupcakes (surprising, I know; but Pinkie was using a hacksaw to remove 1.5 of Rainbow’s wings) but rather from SWAG.MOV by hotdiggedydemon. And as a sort of a joke I commissioned Nix to draw all of that to test the limits of what she would draw. To my surprise, she agreed. It took some time, but here is the result.

RD is tough, she can take it.

Detective Pikachu

Detective Pikachu by Nix

Among other images I commissioned Nix with there was Detective Pikachu in noir style: his partner was shot, his wife left him and took the kids, he is drunk half the time etc… You know, Detective Pikachu from the game, not the movie. At least the original voice and the fact that Pikachu wasn’t at all agile made me think of such image. Actually, while I was waiting for her to finish (which took some time), someone made an entire animation of basically what I wanted to see.

Cinderaced Terriermon

Fsleg GiganticForm.png Fsleg GiganticFormNoPaint.png

A commission I asked for half a year ago. I saw giant ears of a gigantamaxed Cinderace and thought of Terriermon, so I asked ZiPo to draw Terriermon who painted himself to look like Cinderace. He instead made Terriermon only paint the yellow parts, the rest of the Cinderace’s design is made up by a skarf and a pair of socks, which is fine by me. The version with no paint blotches was a bonus. The artwork also has two easter eggs I somehow managed to notice right after waking up.

Fuck UcoZ

Fighting UcoZ by Nix

Nearly 3 years ago I was working on something for a website I admin. I don’t remember what I was doing, but it was very frustrating because the said website uses UcoZ CMS. It’s actually a pretty good general purpose free (with lots and lots of ads until you pay them) CMS for people that don’t really know how to manage a website. Nobody likes the fact we have to use UcoZ, but at this point migration to a “real” CMS would be pointless, so we clench out teeth and deal with it. Besides, usually I’m the one who is frustrated with UcoZ the most, since I manage the technical part of the website, nobody else has any problem with it. Also the website is pretty much dead, but at least I keep it functioning. Anyway, I was doing something, got frustrated and commissioned Nix to draw my pokesona unleashing his rage upon UcoZ. I had no idea how to portray a CMS, and it seems she decided to just use their logo.

Что делал слон, когда пришёл Вапореон?

Что делал слон, когда пришёл Вапореон? by Nix

Quite some time ago I was reminiscing about an episode from a show called Yeralash, specifically “Что делал слон?”. I was also thinking about pokemon, then it struck me, that the word “Napoleon” sounds very similar to “Vaporeon”. So I commissioned Nix to watch the aforementioned episode and draw pretty much the main joke from it, except featuring Vaporeon.

P.S.: It’s been a long time since I used Hugo, thank gods I wrote a documentation for the theme I made, otherwise I’m not sure I would’ve been able to post another entry properly.

Raichu Libre

FslegRaichuSFWv2.png FslegRaichuSFWv3.png FslegRaichuv2.png FslegRaichuv3.png FslegRaichuv4.png

After playing a bunch of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on Nintendo Switch (my main is Pikachu; no, I’m not ESAM) I took interest in Pikachu Libre character. But I also think Raichu is superior. So I commissioned ZiPo to draw me Raichu Libre. With a cameltoe. So here she is. ZiPo wanted to make more versions (torn clothes, naked and male), but even the base took him so long (what was it, 8 months?) that he decided to stop after finishing this one.

New Year - New Engine

Chyrp pretty much died (last update in 2016), Chyrp Lite’s codebase is too different at this point (I have custom feathers, custom image processing and probably a few other things, and I don’t remember at all how I did any of it), and having a website with an outdated CMS is a major security hole. I’ve heard of Jekyll, but hadn’t thought much about Static Site Generators until I encountered Erik McClure’s website (through a link to Pony Clicker). I saw what he did with his blog, though about what I needed for my blog and eventually decided to migrate to a static website. I had a choice between Jekyll and Hugo. Jekyll required a Ruby environment and had some dependencies, while Hugo was written in Go and was compiled into a single binary. Also SlackBuilds had Hugo and didn’t have Jekyll. So Hugo it is.



It turned out, that I need a full featured website much less than a simple blog. I don’t want to have a blog on Tumblr, but I do like their implementation of it, so I went with Chyrp, which is pretty close. But then Chyrp died, so I moved to Hugo. The blog is NSFW, as I might occasionally post some pr0n and other disturbing stuff.
